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"MamaSPACE" Private Fund
Organization and support of advocacy and educational programs for women
About the fund
"MamaSpace" Private Fund is a non-profit organization in Nur-Sultan. The main goal of the Fund is advocacy and educational support for female entrepreneurs.
"Umay Boost" Educational project
This is a training project for female leaders in business. Umay Boost is an opportunity for entrepreneurs to take their organization to a new professional level by defining their leadership profile, expanding their business thinking and managing their time and energy. Umay Boost is organized jointly with the "Pipl" networking bureau, with the support of Chevron.
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«Women in Business:- 40 Inspiring Stories of Female Entrepreneurs»
At the end of 2019, the Fund released a book with real, inspiring stories of female entrepreneurs in Kazakhstan. The main idea of the book was to show the general patterns and ways of thinking of women who have succeeded in the business world.
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